Create meaningful dialogue with the right people.


Experience makes perfect

Marketing isn’t just catchy taglines, cool pics, and big CTAs. It’s about intention, relevance, and convenience. Build brands that resonate with real customers. Make it impossible for them not to love you.


Sally Hadidi

Founder + Senior Brand Marketer.

After a decade spent scaling startups and global brands, Sally has lived through stumbles, mistakes, and glorious wins. Koi helps you focus, pick your battles, and elevate your brand marketing. How can you work together? One-on-one consulting, experimental projects, or tap into her network of designers for the whole brand shebang!


Marketing for your needs.


Collaborating with cool people.

Immaculate imagery brings brands to life. Don’t have the internal bandwidth? Not to worry! We have a network of designers to craft your visual story. Check a few of our friends out.


Don’t be shy.

Whether it’s 1:1 consulting, an experimental project, or the whole marketing shebang, don’t hesitate to reach out.